about the header?

WP Header

About Giving and Receiving

The blog’s name is inspired by the principle of sowing and reaping as in the Bible. We’ll reap what we sow. We’ll receive what we give.

I believe that it’s the same in blogging world. If we give encouraging and constructive comments on others’ blogs, we’ll receive somewhat close to that. The reverse is true as well. Imagine if we leave some rude and insulting comments on others’ pages, I suppose we’ll be banned from WordPress for life.


Obviously camera stands for photography and I love capturing all the beautiful and weird moments of life. Only when those times are frozen in the form of jpg. (or other alternatives) files that we can keep them in our memories. To perk myself up to go out there to snap some photos, I participate in the Weekly Photo Challenge.


Let’s speak loving and edifying words to others as love overcomes virtually everything. (Wow, what a nice acronym!)


There’s a saying that goes: one always has room for a dessert. For me, I have room for anything edible. Besides the fact that cupcake is one of the simplest foods to make an illustration of, it is one of the sweetest things on Earth. Therefore, I appoint cupcake as the representative of all edible stuff; from pre-appetizers, appetizers, post-appetizers, pre-main course, main course,… to desserts, and post-desserts. I know it makes me look like a glutton but don’t follow my path. Eat to live, my friend.


Although the technology is so advanced nowadays, I still think that letter-writing is better for conveying feelings and thoughts. The little details like the trembling of your hands while writing, your tears, dirt and smells of the surrounding air are so tangible on the piece of letter while these are definitely not present in your short messages. Well, the best you can do is something like: I miiissss you ( :'( ) it’s so dirty here and I can smell the choking heat of the Sun ( XO ).


Let’s travel the globe, snap lots of photographs, speak of love, taste the delicacies, write letters to your loved ones, and be merry!



21 thoughts on “about the header?

    • Hi Marko, thank you so much!

      It’s such an honor to be given an award. This has just made my day!

      I really appreciate it :)

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed glossing your photography, as well as narration. Seeing that we share a common love for travels, food, photography & penning our thoughts, perhaps u’d love vacationsooner.com as much as i do… tell me how much u like it ;)

    • Hi Alvin, thank you so much for taking time to visit this humble blog of mine. Definitely paid a visit to your blog, it is so informative! Keep writing!

  2. Totally agree with you on many levels. Writing letters is something that doesn’t happen often these days which is a shame. We love it and so we still send birthday cards, Christmas cards and postcards because we feel that the handwritten correspondence gives that personal touch just a little more than a text or email :)

  3. I do enjoy your blog a lot and have a lot of the same ideas….I love travelling and experiencing each country through their people and food. I love sweet things and believe that its the small things that make a big difference. I usually capture my adventures onb film and then make postcards with my photos to send to my friends and family…..

    • Hi Janaline,

      So glad to hear from you sharing your thoughts! And wow, that’s a great habit of yours to keep up, sending postcards to your friends and family :)

      If you don’t mind, we could probably send postcards to each other :)


  4. My humble opinion is I like your About. I like the way you parceled out the pieces from your header image and how each item represents your unique personality – wonderful!

What is your opinion?