[ 3 steps to better expectation management ]

Just to start off this long-overdue post with the right mindset, I’d like you to set your expectation bar low enough for a 3-year-old to step over. We have been through this relationship stage before: where I confess my blogger’s block and you (on my own assumption) forgive me; where we introspect ourselves, accept each other’s […]

[ Wander to wonder ]

“I have a spare bus ticket. Up for a trip to the mountain?” a friend asked. It was rather unusual that I was invited for an event or an adventure or whatnot since I was almost always the miserable wallflower. Deep down I was glad that someone knew I existed and cared enough to offer […]

[ Gone with the wind ]

If you are friends with me, sadly only on Facebook, you’d have noticed my status post which unsurprisingly got a massive number of thumbs-up in less than 24 hours. Out of my 1047 friends and growing, 8 liked it. Let me repeat that again, out of MY 1047 FACEBOOK friends which is equivalent to 8 […]